We help Ukrainian residents caught in the humanitarian crisis brought by the war.
Do you know how much we manage to fit into a parcel the size of a shoebox?
Eight kilograms of Good.
The Good we send means complete meals for three people for a whole week.
Those who have lost the city they love, their home and their loved ones; who live without light and with little hope, appreciate every cubic centimeter of this Good, whether they line up to get it from a bus with with a mud-splattered red cross in a village near Kiev, or reach for it from a narrow shelf in a Kharkiv bomb shelter by the weak beam of a flashlight.
For us, it may just be a box filled with rice or canned food. For these people – it’s life.
Box of Goods
is our flagship project.
We deliver standardized packages of food, sanitary items, and children’s products, each helping people to survive for several days in shelters or in areas cut off from regular supplies.
We’re particularly able to reach small towns, which other humanitarian organizations often can’t get to.
We began our activities as the only organization providing emergency assistance on the Ukrainian side of the Polish border, at our Humanitarian Aid Center in Shehyni.
We provided medical assistance, shelter, warmth and support for those fleeing the war, waiting in queues kilometers long to cross the border.
We have now been working tirelessly in Ukraine and Poland for a year, striving to provide continuous assistance.
During our year of operation:
300 000
thousand refugees have received direct assistance at the border
3 000
people have stayed overnight in the tents of the Center
tons of food, we have delivered mainly to eastern Ukraine
volunteers from over 20 countries have worked with us in Poland and abroad
70 000
thousand packages have reached the hands of 130 thousand of those most in need
Thanks to our partnership with The American Service, your donations are tax deductible in the US.